Looking for protective and supportive work shoes? Apis got you covered!
Posted by Apis Footwear on
More often than not I've heard compliants from people who purchased pliable and soft shoes. They're in constant pain and can't wear them. They substituted their true shoe size with length because the models did not offer multiple widths or they're TOO SOFT. They said "But I saw an ad or commercial explaining the benefits of my super soft shoes! "
Cut your losses and start to wear the right footwear today, maybe you were being tricked with marketing tactics. They are fine for a few hours or a short period of sitting and walking around, but never for long weight bearing periods. It's about as supportive as slippers or are made too soft like trying the balance on a beach ball.
For service or work shoes most people will need a sturdy, stable base to support their weight and frame. Think of it as holding everything in place when the lower extremities are exhausted from standing continuously throughout the day. Invest in a good pair of footwear today, please consider our models: 6502, 6503, 6507, 6508, 4405, 3405. All supportive, in all widths, in all sizes. If you have any more questions please feel free to email us sales@apisfootwear.com or call us and ask for Kevin, national sales manager.